Monday, January 14, 2008

Buen Dia, Amados!!

I only have a few minutes, but I managed to find a little internet cafe here in the tiny beach town of Villa Gessel, and wanted to give you a quick update! Outreach so far has been CRAZY, to say the least. We have been traveling up and down the coast of Argentina, performing dramas and choreographies in the streets, serving in local churches (putting on programs for the youth groups and the kiddos), and most recently, working with a HUGE evangelistic event called Summer Hope. We spent a week in a city called Santa Teresita, and from Monday through Saturday, spent ALL day every day walking up and down the beach promoting this giant concert that took place this past Saturday night. It was a spectacular event where some famous Christian artists performed, along with an incredible Hip-Hop dance group called the Jesus Warriors. And at the end, they were able to speak openly to the crowd of THOUSANDS about the hope that we have in Jesus and the reason we are spending our summer differently (as opposed to the majority of this beach town - drinking and partying every night). It was absoutely awesome, and I KNOW that the Lord spoke to SO many hearts that night! It was all worth it!
I became very ill this week, and am still trying to recover. So if you would please continue praying for my health, and the health of our entire team - it is SO frustrating to be on bed-rest for a WEEK while the rest of the team is out making a difference for Christ, but God has been SO faithful in continuing to encourage me and remind me that I still play an important role in this outreach. Also, please keep praying for open hearts for the people we come in contact with. That we would be sensitive to their needs, and be able to love them serve them in the exact way that they need it! God is AMAZING, and continues to surprise me every day with his gorgeous grace and mercy!

The last quick update is definitely an exciting one! about 2 weeks ago, God spoke to me very specifically about what He has in store for my future! I have been seeking Him throughout my entire time here, and as I was standing on a jam-packed bus in Mar Del Plata, Argentina, He spoke! Following my graduation in the end of February, I´ll be returning home for a short time (most likely working for a bit to raise tuition) and then I will be attending a health care school for missionaries that will equip me with the knowledge and medicl skills to work with the specific people groups that the Lord has SO clearly called me to. I´ll be trained in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention and treatment; health education, and assessment skills...and how to work in areas of the developing world with least access to health care. God has laid out such an awesome plan for my future, and I am SO excited to continue walking that path as I finish this stage!

Okay, I have to head back, but I love you all and miss you and continue to pray for you!

Many blessings from Villa Gessel,

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

I really hope you're getting better, Katie. Please continue taking care of yourself!