Thursday, December 27, 2007

And we're off!

Hi friends! I only have a minute or two, but I finally got internet access for the first time in quite a while, and I wanted to send out a quick hello before I leave for my outreach tonight! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas celebration with your family and friends - truly embracing the joy of this season of the Birth of our Savior! I had a VERY different experience here in Argentina, but loved every minute of it! God blessed me with a beautiful family and church here to share the holidays with, and I couldn't be more thankful for His constant Provision. And speaking of provision - thank you all SO incredibly much for your amazing generosity in your gifts of support for my outreach! I was SO blessed, and would not be where I am today (or where I'll be heading tonight) without your faithfulness and selflessness!
As our team departs for the next 2 months, please pray - first and foremost - for UNITY! If we are not united as a team, our ministry will be totally void and pointless. Pray for humble, teachable spirits as we students work and travel together, and that we would really just pour ourselves out as servants. We want to truly be disciples of Christ to the people we encounter, and act in a way that demonstrates that in EVERY area of our lives! Please also keep our safety and HEALTH in your prayers! We are SO excited to immerse ourselves in South America and begin serving and loving the people God has called us to! What a privilege!!

Alright - I must go finish packing and prepare for our trip (we leave at midnight). LOVE TO YOU ALL, and if I end up not having internet access - know that I am thinking of you all every day and constantly praying for your lives! Thank you for sharing in mine! May God be glorified immensely on this next adventure!

His humble servant.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hola Amados,
I tell you, my heart is very heavy at the moment. I just returned from spending a weekend at home with my host family, and it was a very, very difficult few days. It was absolutely wonderful to spend time with my family after nearly 4 weeks without seeing them, but along with the enjoyment came an encounter with the true reality of all that has occurred. Being surrounded by the truth and effects of this tragedy, and reluctantly hearing all of the appalling details allowed me to understand that what happened to my family is of a far greater magnitude than I could have ever understood by simply being told about it. I am very thankful that I was able to be there and pray with them, but the wounds are definitely still fresh for me, and I ask you all to please continue to pray for all of us. The details that I received as far as who the girl (yes, I said girl) was, and how long this had been going on are on a far worse level than I initially disclosed to you all, so please don’t cease praying for the healing and restoration of this beautiful family. I’ll be spending a lovely few days with them over Christmas, and we are all looking forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior together!
On a different note, we are wrapping up our final 2 weeks of classes here at the base, and preparing for the next phase of our training – Outreach! It’s a very exciting time, and we are now working towards taking care of every little detail for the trip. I would love it if you would pray for our teams as we continue planning, rehearsing choreographies and dramas, and making travel arrangements. We are definitely relying on God to accomplish all of this in less than 12 days, and we trust that He will provide all that we need. In that sense, I also wanted to let you know that because my team will be traveling outside of Argentine to Peru, we are responsible for purchasing a plane ticket and all of the transportation around the country during these next 2 months. And the Lord is most definitely teaching me about trust and reliance on Him as I have only $100 left and we will need about $850 to get to Peru and back. In this, I ask that you please pray for God’s provision, and that He would truly surprise me – as He always does. I will ask for your financial assistance as well – if you feel led to support me in purchasing this ticket, I would be SO blessed (even if it’s only one dollar!) I am trusting the Lord to provide exactly what I need, and I am so thankful that I can call on you for your support and prayers! What a blessing you have all been to me! If you do feel led to support my outreach financially, the best way to give is to write a check to my name and send it to my parents who can then deposit it into my Argentina account. It is nearly impossible to cash a check here in the country or change Dollars into Pesos where I’m at. The address is:
Katie Doud
1620 Buckeye Street
Fort Collins, Colorado, 80524

Thank you all, as always, for being such faithful warriors in prayer for all that is happening here and all that is to come in these next 2 months of serving and loving Argentina in a practical way! We’ll talk soon.
