Sunday, November 18, 2007

Splendid news!!
After MUCH prayer and seeking the Lord, we have finalized our outreach locations and teams. God spoke to me numerous times during this process about these places, and confirmed His word this week as well. So….I will be spending the first month of my outreach on the Atlantic coast of Argentina with my team of 10. We don’t have all the details of our specific cities just yet, but I can tell you that we’ll be doing a lot of “beach ministry.” During the summer months of January and February, they say that the coast of Argentina becomes the new Capital of the country. Masses of people move out to the coastal cities and spend the summer there – thus, our time of ministry will be very much focused on the people who are on holiday…youth on the beach (sports, surfing, etc.), as well as building relationships during the numerous festivals and concerts that take place. It will be an incredible and exciting time, and I have faith that God will reach many through us.
Following our month on the coast, our team will pack up and head to…. Peru!! and spend the next month there. It is so exciting to be going to this beautiful country because the Lord laid it on my heart in the very beginning of our school before we ever knew it was an option for outreach! He is SO faithful in speaking and sharing his heart with us! We still don’t have all the details on cities or specific ministries yet, but when we start to finalize those things, I will definitely send out an update!
The other two outreach teams are very exciting as well. One group will be working in northern Argentina for a month, and then in Bolivia. The third team is traveling the farthest – spending a few weeks in the gorgeous South of Argentina, then a month in Australia, and finishing up in JAPAN! It is so cool to see the very different places God called each of us to, and I am so excited to see all that He does through each of our three teams.
If you could please keep us in your prayers this week, and the coming month, as we begin to prepare for our ‘crusada’ and plan all of the details. Pray for wisdom for our leaders (who, by the way, are all in their early 20s – some even younger – so by no means will we have veteran adults accompanying us). Pray for unity of our group as a whole, as well as each of the three outreach teams. Pray for financial provision as we trust in the Lord to provide us all that we need to travel to these nations and serve them in the love of Christ.
Thank you SO much, and we will talk soon!

Love from Ituzaingó.

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

Sounds exciting, Katie! I hope you're taking pictures. Maybe we'll get to see each other this summer --- we can share photos! :)